20 Things I Learned in My 20 Years


I’ll make it short and sweet for those who have short attention spans. But since I do want to highlight some important things that I’ve discovered in my 20 years thus far…

1.     Mumford and Sons lyrics are like therapy.

Couldn’t live without them. Or music. Or art.

2.     Don’t forget to floss.

Or else you’ll end up with a billion cavities all in one appointment. True story.

3.     The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Just because you think someone has it better than you, they don’t. You never know the battles they’re going through.

4.     Family is everything.

Having a dad as a drummer, best friend, mentor, and artist is pretty great. And having a beautiful, positive, selfless, reassuring mom is also pretty great too. And not to forget my little sister who is the most intelligent, sarcastic, gorgeous girl ever. They’re my biggest support system and my number one fans.

5.     It’s okay to say “no.”

People will still be your friend if you say no, it’s only a one syllable word that is quite easy to pronounce. And it’s okay to take time for yourself.

6.     When Breathe Becomes Air, is a must read book.

I read the last page of this book on the beach and had to tell my friends that the tears in my eyes were from the sand, (even though that book made me want to fill the ocean with my tears of how incredible it was).

7.     Spontaneous road trips with best friends are always a good idea.

And good for the soul. And endless amounts of pictures. And good music on the ride up.

8.     Calories don’t count when you’re having fun.

Live it up, my friend.

9.     Time is precious and fleeting.

Time goes way too fast so don’t be scared to slow it down sometimes.

10.  Humor is good in all situations.

Even on your gloomiest days, we all need that one person to make you smile, even when you don’t want to. As Kid President best put it, “Laughing’s the best, especially great when you laugh and milk comes out of your nose.”

11.  You’re not spoiled if you let others take care of you.

Sometimes you need it, it happens, it’s comforting, so just accept it and don’t feel bad about it

12.  Don’t let other opinions sway you

If you let others opinion influence how you act, how are you legitimately going to live YOUR life?

13.  Late night drives are good for the head.

Some of the best ideas I’ve gotten have been because of driving. And some of the most insightful conversations I’ve had, have happened over a late night drive. And blasting music. And singing at the top of your lungs.

14.  The book is always better than the movie.

For all you debaters, yes there are some exceptions, but for the most part—this applies.

15.  Let past relationships make you better not bitter.

Cherish the good, forget the bad, and move on, don’t linger.

16.  Don’t be afraid to do something that makes you happy.

What you consider fun may not be fun for someone else, that’s a-okay.

17.  Giving not only makes that person feel good but you as well.

And on that giving note...if you feel inclined to donate $20 for my 20th birthday for the Arnold Palmer Hospital for the kids, please do! I’ll just leave my Knight-Thon donor drive here if you would like to make my birthday that much better :)

18.  Ask yourself what lasting impression you’re leaving on others.

To keep myself in check I try to do this as often as possible. Just think about how you want people to remember you by.

19.  Do not, under any circumstance, take anything for granted.

This encompasses everything—from people, to feeling, seeing, eating, breathing—everything. You never know what you have until it is gone. Or judge someone for something they don't have. 

20.  Make sure the people you love and appreciate know it.

It’s one thing to tell them but make sure you show it as well. Don’t let your most loved ones forget that you care about them.


So there’s my 20 things. Granted, I still haven't perfected all of them and struggle with some. But nevertheless, all are things I’ve discovered to be beneficial or just plain useful. Life is precious, and I'm grateful for another year of living, learning, loving and being. So if you took the time to read this #cheesy but truthful post, I hope you at least take something away from it (call your grandma to tell her you love her, go for a drive, donate to my Knight-Thon, floss...)

Cheers to this crazy life and 20 years,

xo Shelby 

EncouragementShelby Swygert